Category Archives: Student Research

Research Topic

For my research topic, I would like to explore something related to the Puerto Rican independence movement post-1945. Something interesting within that broader topic might be the contemporary independence movement in the wake of PROMESA and Hurricane Maria, or at least since 2000. Another interesting thing would be looking at the repression of the independence movement as a part of COINTELPRO. The nationalist revolts of 1950 also interest me. I think these are all interesting and important topics because the relationship between the US and Puerto Rico is a unique one which impacts the other relationships the US has with Latin America. Current US-Puerto Rican relations are massively impacted by this history, and the Puerto Rican community within the mainland US has been impacted by these events. If we want to understand the complex relationship between the US and Puerto Rico we must understand those who have rejected this relationship and have fought for an independent path for the island. This is an ongoing relationship that will continue to be shaped by this history


For my research topic I would like to explore the issues pertaining to the use of native peoples as slave labor during the early colonization of Latin American, and how that has developed into an underclass labor force in modern times. This would also involve examination of the United States’ mistreatment of Native American peoples. I would also like to look further into efforts, both in the past and the present, to defeat this ingrained system of segregation and racism. Phrasing this like a question I would ask: how did forced labor of Native American and Latin American peoples develop into a modern day system or oppression and poverty?

Zotero: Additional Information

We only had a quick overview of Zotero, but it you’re interested, I’d strongly recommend the 50-minute interactive library workshops led by Zach Sharrow.  You can see the full Spring 2020 schedule here. (There are two sessions next week – Tuesday 1/28 at 11, and Thursday 1/30 at 4pm, both in the CoRE Andrews library.

Quick guide on the word procesor integration (adding footnotes in Word):

And here is how you update your settings to download pdfs from Jstore automatically: