MLK Day of Service

Today, I first went to the MLK introduction at 9:00. The introduction started with president Sarah Bolton and had a variety of other performers and speakers, including the Scot’s Key a cappella group and the Wooster Chorus. I found the keynote speaker, Kimberly Brazwell, and her talk to be very interesting. At the end of it, she asked us to link arms with the person next to us for a prayer. My friend Geoff and I did, but there was an older man in front of us sitting by himself. Geoff and I offered to link arms with him and it was just very wholesome. After, I went to the panel on imposter syndrome and learned a lot about the struggle for minorities with mental health difficulties.


Wassup ya’ll,

My name is Kobe and I am a Junior majoring in Communication Studies, as well as a member of our fighting scots football team. The biggest thing I’m interested in learning about this semester is the U.S’ involvement in Cuba, or more specifically the relationship between both Cuba and the U.S. I am also really fascinated with the Cuban missile crisis because I remember my grandma telling me stories about living through those trying times.


Hey guys!

My name is Cat and I am a sophomore majoring in History and Theatre, with a focus on stage management and directing. As I am, in the long term, interested in exploring cultural styles of theater that are not often found in mainstream United States/European culture, in this course I want to learn more about Latin American theater and performance, both traditional indigenious performance styles and those adapted from colonizing powers. I am also interested to see how Latinx peoples use theater as a protest form and as a way of advocacy, and how this has developed over time. What most excites me about diving into this topic is the idea of learning more about traditional theatrical practices used by indigenous cultures, as this is a subject area that I haven’t gotten the chance to explore before.

MLK Day of Service

As I will be unable to attend the campus events going on this weekend and on MLK Day on Monday, I will be writing about the importance of the holiday and the types of celebrations that take place nationwide to commemorate Dr. King and his work.

MLK Day is seen as a time to promote the rights of all people, regardless of race. It is a relatively new, federally-recognized holiday, and most educational institutions and business are closed for the holiday. Institutions around the country celebrate by having speakers come and talk about race, and service events take place, many aimed at giving back to the black community. There are seminars about Dr. King, his life, and how his work impacted the black community and their struggle for civil rights. One very popular discussion topic, at least that I have witnessed in the past and heard about, is talking about what can be done to further meaningful discussions about racial injustice (and how to remedy it) and how this applies to modern society and our lives. This encompasses the recognition of the discrimination and injustice that took place, and continues to take place, in the United States, and then actively taking a stand against racial injustice by becoming involved in activities that promote racial equality for all people.


Hey, I’m Brendan, I’m a first-year and right now I’m planning on majoring in environmental science. I want to focus my research on the progression of human advancements and its relation to the declination of environmental stability, so essentially anthropological studies of the environmental field.
With this, I guess I’m kind of interested in seeing other progressions of human history in regards to Latin America and the U.S, such as distinctions between these two cultural attitudes on topics of social and political standing.
For the research paper, right now I’m thinking about the varying standpoints of gender and sexuality in L@America and the U.S and want to research the different effects movements such as the sexual revolution had on the respective cultures


Hi, guys!

I’m Katie, I’m a sophomore at the college, and I am planning to major in History and double minor in Anthropology and English. I am most excited about learning three major things over the course of this semester. I want to learn more about American government and military involvement in Cuba during the Cuban Revolution, as I do not believe this topic gets as much in depth coverage as it should in most history classes. I have always been very intrigued by the Cold War and the general ambiguity that surrounds it, so I’m looking forward to learning about it through the more focused scope of Latin American studies. I am also interested to talk about and analyze the immigration policies of America, as well as Latin America. I hold a viewpoint on immigration that typically differs from most of my peers here at the college, so I’m interested to see what discussions we will have on the topic.