Today, I first went to the MLK introduction at 9:00. The introduction started with president Sarah Bolton and had a variety of other performers and speakers, including the Scot’s Key a cappella group and the Wooster Chorus. I found the keynote speaker, Kimberly Brazwell, and her talk to be very interesting. At the end of it, she asked us to link arms with the person next to us for a prayer. My friend Geoff and I did, but there was an older man in front of us sitting by himself. Geoff and I offered to link arms with him and it was just very wholesome. After, I went to the panel on imposter syndrome and learned a lot about the struggle for minorities with mental health difficulties.
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Hey, I’m Brendan, I’m a first-year and right now I’m planning on majoring in environmental science. I want to focus my research on the progression of human advancements and its relation to the declination of environmental stability, so essentially anthropological studies of the environmental field.
With this, I guess I’m kind of interested in seeing other progressions of human history in regards to Latin America and the U.S, such as distinctions between these two cultural attitudes on topics of social and political standing.
For the research paper, right now I’m thinking about the varying standpoints of gender and sexuality in L@America and the U.S and want to research the different effects movements such as the sexual revolution had on the respective cultures